Thomas Wooden Railway Community
Thomas Wooden Railway Community

Hi folks,

So during the third day of July was my birthday, but I was at camp and came back on the fifth and stopped at the Sacramento Train Musuem to buy three TWR items. Then, I received many Amazon gift cards and used them to buy lots of items, here is everything that I bought and things to still arrive:

Logan and the Big Blue Engines Book Pack

2013 James (bought it at Sacramento)

James' Roaring Delivery (bought it at Sacramento)

Hiro's Sticky Spill (bought it at Sacramento)

1994 BoCo (a friend gave it to me)

1993 Knapford Express Coach (a friend gave it to me)

2012 Toad (it's actually the 2006 release, but in the 2012 box)

2009 Thomas and the Six Flags Cargo Car (really rare to find and ordered a second one by mistake)

2011 Derek (it's actually the 2007 release in the 2011 box and ordered a second one by mistake)

2001 Trevor (got two of them by mistake)

2001 Barrel Car (got two of them)

1998 Sawmill Log Car

Box Cars (still being delivered and got two backs)

The Railway Series: The Complete Collection by the Reverend W. Awdry (still being delivered)

Well there you have it, now I may do a give away or a contest to give away Thomas and the Six Flags Cargo Car, Derek, and Trevor, but not the barrel car.


